
In the next episode of our hike to Sun Gate I have some images of some of the plants along the trail.  Most of the flowers appeared to be orchids.  The Incas built their trail on one of the various terraces along the mountain side.  So there is a high bank on one side and a drop off on the other, so getting close to any of the plants was usually not an option.  
I was surprised to see bamboo growing along the trail.

As we walked this trail I kept thinking of Incas walking this trail some 500-600 years ago carrying heavy loads of various goods.  No modern backpacks or sturdy boots.  Then I would think of how they built all of this….without modern equipment.  What a masterpiece of engineering and cooperation.  Just incredible.  

In one the images you can see the fog started to have open patches and parts of the Machu Picchu ruins could be seen from the trail.  Also in the image you can see some brown zig zag lines.  That would be the bus road from Aqua Calientes  to the top of the mountain.


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