Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu.  We arrived in Aquas Calientes early afternoon and walked from the train station to the bus depot.  There are, buy my estimation, roughly 20 or so busses that run  continuously from Aquas Calientes (Machu Picchu town ) to the ruins. Not a large distance, but an unpaved road with constant switch backs that takes about 30 minutes to climb several hundred feet to a point near Mach Picchu.  From there it’s a relatively short, but steep hike to ruins. 

January in the Peruvian  Andes is the rainy season.  So guess what it did…it raIned.  Not a steady down pour but enough to make photography difficult.  It would rain lightly for a little while then stopper  awhile then start again.  Thankfully my gear is weather sealed pretty well.  

We stayed late and let the crowd thin out.  

Images from the ruins below.  Full screen is best :) 


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