Significant 12

 It has been said that Ansel Adams once said " 12 significant images in a year is a pretty good crop".  So based on that I have selected 12 of my images from 2024.  They are 12 images that I felt were significant to me.  Not anything like Ansel would have done and they may or may not be significant at all to anyone else, they are just my personal choices.  Getting paired down to just twelve was a task and I think that just speaks to how I feel about my images.  Which I guess  just helps explain why I expend so much time and effort towards it.   It is something I enjoy and it has become pretty important to me.  

So in no particular order I think over the next several days I will share these images one at a time and say a few things about each one.  Most likely I have already posted most if not all of these before.  

The first image is of a setting sun behind a saguaro cactus.  The shot was taken July 2nd and the scene is about a 1/2 mile from our home.  I had just gotten a new camera and lens and we were out for a late evening golf cart ride looking for photo ops.  The I had chosen an aperture of f/16 to help create the sunburst, and also underexposed the shot -1.6 stops to keep from blowing out the brighter areas of the image. 

I might add this image placed first in our club's December monthly contest and also placed second in the photo of the year choices.

Leica SL3, 1/60 sec, f/16.0, iso 200 24mm lens.  


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