More Glacier Pictures

Here are some more pictures from Glacier NP

My aunt Connie sent Gloria a story via email.  The story was about an elderly couple who had stopped at a restaurant and left something behind.  Well while we are far from elderly ( by my account) but the story did remind me of an incident we had.

In one of the pictures you will see we had a beautiful day to canoe on Lake St Mary.  We were out about an hour and the wind picked up so we went to shore and had a picnic lunch.  We went ashore about 1/2 mile from the launch site.  After our lunch we paddled back to the launch and left.  Back at the campsite I soon discovered that I had lost a part to a clamp for one of my cameras.  So back to the launch site we go to look for my small part.  It is not anywhere to be found and I even asked at the ticket counter where they sell tickets for a boat cruise.  Well the picnic site was just up the lake and there was a trail so we went there and low and behold Gloria finds my little part.  Gloria smiles.

We get back to our camper and Gloria goes to unlock the camper door and low and behold she has no camper keys.  So we go out to the 1913 ranger station, where we were earlier, just after the canoe trip.  No keys.  So we are going to Logan Pass for the star party and so we stop back at the launch site and the ticket lady was just locking up.  Gloria ran up to her to ask if anyone had turned in a set of keys and of course they had.  Now it's my turn to smile.


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