Grand Teton

 This image was made the second day of our Photography Retreat.  We were in Grand Tetons NP for sunrise.  The plan was to go for some moose shots.  While waiting for a moose to appear from out of the brush the rising sun was lighting up the Tetons.  Even though my camera had the 150-400 (300 - 800 35mm equivalent)  zoom on it, I had to grab a shot or two.  

I am not real sure about the names of all the places we went nor the names of the mountains.  But I think we were near the Snake River Overlook and this might be Grand Teton Peak.

Olympus OM1 with the 150-400 zoom, 1/800 sec @ f/4.5, iso 1250 and the zoom at 150mm.  Handheld.

We did see a moose, but it was still pretty dark and it was a cow pretty far off.  

Olympus OM 1,  1/800sec @ f/5.6 iso 25600. 150-400 with the 1.25 extender engaged (500mm)



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