
One of my goals for this winter was to work on capturing images of birds in flight (BIF).  Well I have had very few opportunities for BIF this year.  But a few days ago we were birding in the State Park on the beach side.  A cloudless sky and white sand beaches reflecting tons of light.
Some days it just all comes together.
I spotted this Osprey flying towards us.  The bird kept coming and flew right over me.
I had my longest lens and a 1.4 extender on and had auto focus set for constant autofocus with tracking set.  I used a technique called "bump focus" to track and capture images of the Osprey . Once the Osprey got closer I locked focus on it and fired off a short burst of maybe 3 images, let up and then locked focus again for another short burst, re-locked focus and fired off another burst.
This day it worked beautifully. I ended up with 14 images all with acceptably sharp focus.

Below are the last four images captured.  1/1250 sec at f/5.6 ISO of 200.


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