Merry Christmas

Thats right "Merry Christmas" . My Christmas present was to be a new 300 mm f4 Pro lens.  Olympus was supposed to start shipping the lens in late fall of 2015, but delayed the release so they could add image stabilization to the lens.  It started to ship in late February, but because of traveling around the southwest I didn't get my lens until last Monday.  Finally got to shoot some pictures with the new lens.  I am quite happy with the results so far.
I got it mostly for wildlife, but because it can focus pretty close for a 300mm lens (4.6 feet) I tried it on some crocus.  I thought it worked pretty darn good for close ups.
All of the shots are handheld and most at 1/250 of a second.  On my micro four thirds camera, that 300mm is a full frame equivalent  of 600mm .  So I think the in camera and in the lens image stabilization works pretty well together.  Pics are below.


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