Lees Ferry Update 1

We fished yesterday morning for a few hours and Gloria caught 2 nice rainbows in spawning colors.
After lunch we went back to the Navajo Bridge to look for the Condors, not there.  We drove 30 miles to a location in the Vermillion Cliffs to a viewing area.  From here you can see condors and with a powerful spotting scope you can see the pens where they keep newly hatched condors for a time to give them a good start before releasing them into the wild.
We saw several condors here, but much further away.
Fished again in the afternoon and this time Tom caught 2.  Redemption.
Pics below are Gloria in action, notice the colorful rock on the canyon walls.   iPhone pictures.
All of the guides were booked and I didn't have a draw bar with me to trailer a rental boat.  Everywhere else we rented a boat, they delivered it.  So we are walking and wadding to fish.  Still fishing so thats a good thing.


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