Further Update

I have my computer back this morning so I will post more.  My computer was busing backing up video and photos from the past 2 days.  2,  8.5 GB DVD's.

We have had nice weather but camper shaking wind every day until this morning.  Last night was our best nights sleep in the past 3.

On our trip to the west side of the park on Monday the drive on the Going To The Sun Highway was spectacular.  It was quite a feat to build this road.  It is being rebuilt now and the upgrade is nearly finished.

On our hike to Hidden Lake we walked in snow for a few hundred yards.  There were extreme skiers on one of the mountain sides.  I got some very close shots of a mountain goat and her young kid, without a telephoto lens.  The trail down to the lake was closed while we were up there.  It was closed due to bear activity.  That took care of our fishing plans for that lake.

The vegetation is very different on the west side of the Continental Divide.  Much more lush than the east side.

Yesterday we hiked around a lake ( Two Medicine ).  With the side trips to water falls and the like we did about 6 miles.  At that point we were on the other side of the lake opposite were our truck was.  It would have been a 3.5 mile hike back on along the north shore trail. I convinced Gloria to take the boat back.  

As I mentioned we move into the park today, then up into Canada.


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